The Worth of a Challenge

If you give a child a fish, you feed him for a day.
If you teach a child to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.
But if you teach a child to learn, you feed him for a lifetime
and he doesn't have to just eat fish.

Our Curriculum

What we study and use for curriculum:
We study a lot of what would be the basics, but try to give variety where and when we can. I also don't try to much to fit a finite timeline since it removes a certain amount of discovery when you have to utter the words "hurry up". 

Language Arts:
We use Sing Spell Read and Write as our primary curriculum for language arts. We supplement with the Bob books for silent reading. I love the Sing Spell Read and Write because it not only does phonics, but handwriting and grammar as well. I also am fond of the Bob books since they are simple yet fun and fulfilling for the very young reader.

We do unit study with age appropriate books and use various resources and methods from lapbooks to home spun games. My primary goal is to show that reading is fun and that there is a variety of books out there. We also cover "reading elements" like who what when where why and how, etc.

We use Saxon Math and it really has worked for us. It's a few pages a day, a workbook style learning which I supplement with centers and activities to make learning fun and not just a matter of filling out a worksheet.

We do unit study here as well.  I have a lot of resources from when we were with the charter and are still making use of those. 

We do more unit study. It gives a great chance to do a variety of activities and cover a broad amount of material. I don't set timelines for this because I like to let my kids learn as much detail as they are interested in. I learned this when I met sad faces when it was time to say good bye to a unit on the history of transportation. 

We work from the abeka book for health safety and manners. I love the christian spin on how we should respect our bodies and how to act respectful to others and make good choices.