The Worth of a Challenge

If you give a child a fish, you feed him for a day.
If you teach a child to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.
But if you teach a child to learn, you feed him for a lifetime
and he doesn't have to just eat fish.

Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day of School!

I am sure I am not alone here.... Our first day of school is going great, but things didn't get started quite on time and every activity seemed to be super exciting and take more time than I planned for. Hopefully come tomorrow things will be not so new and move a little quicker.

Our desired start time was 7:45 but 8:15 is when we actually started
Our break time was supposed to be at 9:45 but it turned out to be 10:15

Jacob was ready and eager to listen!
Benji was excited and proud that he can do school things well!
Things we have done today:

  1. math meeting
  2. calendar
  3. math folder(folder 1)
  4. this wonderful word family set from Making learning fun(folder 2)
  5. a worksheet about following school rules(folder 2)
  6. our 8 keys character lesson

Stay tuned for our afternoon update!

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