The Worth of a Challenge

If you give a child a fish, you feed him for a day.
If you teach a child to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.
But if you teach a child to learn, you feed him for a lifetime
and he doesn't have to just eat fish.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Never ending creativity

When I wonder what Jacob will be when he grows up, it doesn't take me long to think of a few options
He could easily be a lawyer with his not stop efforts to make things go his way, or a cinematographer because of his love to make "movies" and set up camera angles or he could work in marketing because he loves to make things and then set up his own store complete with commercials.....I love that he dreams this stuff up. It's amazing to me how limitless the child's imagination is.

here he is with the advent calendar he made

and here are the transformers ready for their film debut with Jacob as director

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