The Worth of a Challenge

If you give a child a fish, you feed him for a day.
If you teach a child to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.
But if you teach a child to learn, you feed him for a lifetime
and he doesn't have to just eat fish.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Finland's education success

Schooling like the Finns!
Amazing are the parallels between the Finnish schools and what many families are offering within a home school, charter school and many others. To have a look at gross progress rather than looking for immediate results, with a teacher that stays with them through the course of the education so they can and will know how to help a child best rather than spending year after year relearning what that is. What really struck me was the word trust and how often it was used. How many of us REALLY trust the public school teachers that are teaching the children both young and teens alike? Additionally to have the best and worst students working together so they can achieve consistency across the board rather than separating them. What a marvelous thing to have education rank highest in priority. Oh and this made me feel less crazy for teaching German to the kids along side Spanish and of course our native language, American English.

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