The Worth of a Challenge

If you give a child a fish, you feed him for a day.
If you teach a child to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.
But if you teach a child to learn, you feed him for a lifetime
and he doesn't have to just eat fish.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Weeks Worth!

I think in the shuffle of us getting ready for our big move, and looking at houses on the market I neglected the blog(again!) So here is what we have been doing all week...these work well for work boxes, centers and some even work well for circle time.

1. Danny and the Dinosaur at the listening center. We found this little gem at the local book store and then I had the kids listen and make a little "book report". For Benji (preschool/preK) it was as simple as circling the face that represented if he like the story and then would dictate to me what he thought about it. For Jacob(first grade) he had to write down the title, auther, and one sentence about what he liked about the book i.e. "I like the dinosaur because he was funny"

2.We wrote in our journals. Jacob would write and illustrate one sentence and Benji would dictate and color one sentence.

3. Jacob completed another part of his geography book we found at Enchanted learning to go with our daily geography given to us by the school we charter with.

4. We just started our German Book one by learning how to count to ten in German. My kids can now count to ten in English, Spanish, French and German. Apparently it's fun no matter what language it's in.

5. Benji did a center where he had to put the right items in the right room....he kept trying to put the microwave in the bedroom for some reason! Take your own photos or find cute clip art on google and you can create this same activity

6. During Circle time we told the story of the three little pigs and why it is more important to get work done first and then make time for play.

7. Benji matched the right fish with the right number of cubes.

8. the boys both matched up pins with quantities. Benji did 1-10 and Jacob did 11-20
*this was another great activity from confessions of a homeschooler, her button is the beautiful flower on the right side of my page.

9. Jacob sorted the vowels sing vowel songs and then spelled words with the tiles.

1 comment:

  1. You are a homeschooling guru! Love all the things you are doing with the boys.
